Travel Photography

Travel Photography is exciting, challenging and wonderfully rewarding. The key to success is planning the Adventure well in advance.

The Travel Photography class is a bundle of six hours of the Fundamentals Class (link) and two hours to go over the special circumstances associated with the student’s trip.*

Such as:

Will the destination be:
1. Wet or arid
2.Cold or hot
3. Long days with lots of light in the savanna or perpetual twilight in the forest
4. Architectural, Cultural or Landscape or all of the above.

Camera Gear:
1. What camera - I will suggest if asked.
2. What lens(es) this will be affected by #4 above
3. What kind and how many cards to bring
4. How to download and create a safe image storage proceedure while traveling
5. Do you need to bring a tripod or a monopod
6. How to “weather proof” the equipment for rain or dust.
7. Suggestions on how to best protect your gear while traveling

  • A $100.00 class discount is available for students who are referred by their travel agent.
    Please ask your travel agent to contact PhotoArts California to request this discount

    Text 415-450-1079